Kunning til tey ferðandi
Tríggjar kunningarstovur eru í Eysturoynni. Tær eru er á Toftum, í Saltangará og í Fuglafirði, sum hava til endamáls at kunna ferðandi um møguleikar og hjálpa veitarum at røkka longri.
Á Kunningarstovunum eru øll hugskot frá borgarum, í sambandi við ferðavinnuna og mentanartiltøk, vælkomin. Samstundis veita Kunningarstovurnar leiðbeining viðvíkjandi verkætlanum á hesum øki.
Kunningarstovurnar hava til endamáls at veita borgarunum tænastur og leiðbeining, tá ræður um kunning.
Øll eru vælkomin inn á gólvið ella at seta seg í samband við kunningarstovurnar á annan hátt.
MAP – kort yvir Nes kommunu, WC v.m.
Kunningarstovan á Toftum
Oyraranar 10
Fo-650 Toftir
Tlf. +298 447586
Heimasíða: nes.fo
Heimasíða: visitnes.fo
1. Village Tracks
Among the popular hiking trails in the area are the old village paths between Nes and Æðuvík, Nes and Rituvík, and Toftir and Runavík. These paths are guided by ancient cairns, heaps of stones set up as landmarks to help travellers find their way from one village to the next.
2. The WWII Canon
Enjoy the unsurpassed view of the fjord from the WWII canon that, together with the surrounding bunkers and embattlements, was used by the occupying British forces during the war to defend the entrance to Skálafjørður.
3. Svangaskarð
Considered one of the world’s most beautifully located stadiums, Svangaskarð was the first national football stadium of the Faroes and is the home ground of local football club B68.
www.b68.fo, Email: b-68@olivant.fo
4. and 8. Navia
Navia is one of the leading manufacturers of wool-related products in the Faroe Islands. Inspired by centuries of Faroese knitting tradition, Navia makes its knitwear and yarn from Faroese wool collected from local sheep farmers. In the Navia shop, right here in Toftir, you’ll find an array of beautifully crafted sweaters and other knitwear, yarn in a multitude of colours, as well as a wide selection of Faroese souvenirs.
Email: navia@navia.fo, Phone: +298 449282
5. Toftavatn
Known for its rich bird life, the lake Toftavatn is surrounded by the largest area of heather in the Faroe Islands. It has always been a popular destination for outings, even more so in recent years with the establishment of a well-maintained and easily accessible walking path.

6. Nes Church
The old timber church in Nes with its black-tarred walls and slate roof dates back to 1843. Over long periods since 1540, the Bishop seat has been placed in Nes. And though this is not the first church built on this spot, there have been at least three, it is one of the last churches of its kind to be built in the Faroes.
Open: June–August: Tue, Thu: 04pm – 06pm, and Sun: 03pm-06pm.
Or by appointment. Contact: +298 227096
7. The Old Vicarage of Nes
Just down the road from the church is the old vicarage of Nes, a place packed full of history. Built in 1863, it was the home of V.U. Hammershaimb, the father of the Faroese orthography. Today, it houses the local historical museum.
Open: June–August: Tue, Thu: 04pm – 06pm, and Sun: 03pm-06pm.
Or by appointment. Contact: +298 227096
Price per person DKK 50,-.
Information Centre
Oyranar 10, FO – 650 Toftir
Email: nes@nes.fo, Phone: +298 447586
8. Torkilsheyggsgarður
Learn about a modern-day sheep farm, right here among the sheep of Torkilsheyggsgarður. Where you also get a chance to try the homemade rhubarb cordial and taste the unique Faroese delicacies skerpikjøt and ræst kjøt.
Open by appointment for groups of 20 or more.
Price per person DKK 50,-.
Contact: +298 739091
Email: ok@navia.fo
2018 Award Winner
Recognized as this year’s new departure in Faroese tourism for its innovation and contribution to the trade.
9. Eystnes
Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the spectacular panoramic view from Eystnes, the southernmost tip of Eysturoy. While easily accessed by the road along the wind turbines, the area is also an absolute gem for off-trail hikers that can spend hours exploring this varied landscape.
10. Fríðrikskirkjan
You can’t miss it, the iconic white church with the steeply slanted roof and prominent central location. Completed in 1994, Fríðrikskirkjan is not only revered for its architectural style, but also for the high-quality acoustics that make the church a popular venue for concerts and musical performances.
Open: June–August: Mon-Fri: 02pm-04pm.
Or by appointment. Contact: +298 227096
Nes Municipality
Comprising the villages Nes, Toftir and Saltnes, Nes Municipality has a population of 1,298 and covers an area of 13.9 km2.
Kunningarstovan í Runavík
Heiðavegur 26
600 Saltangará
Tlf. +298 417060
Heimasíða: visiteysturoy.fo
Kunningarstovan í Fuglafirði:
Á Bug
530 Fuglafjørður
Tlf. +298 238015
Heimasíða: visiteysturoy.fo
Nes kommuna er limur í felagnum Ferðavinnan í Eysturoy.